- Kika Tarsi, a graduate student in the Davies lab, and Miranda Redmond, who is part of the Barger lab, were selected for the 2015 - 2016 Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship. The Dean’s Graduate Student Research
- Professor Alex Cruz just found out that his contributions to undergraduate training have been recognized by his receiving an "Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor" award sponsored by the Special Undergraduate Enrichment Programs. You can read
- This year, three EBIO professors have been awarded a BFA Excellence Award. This award is a longstanding tradition on the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Æ· campus, and is one of the most prestigious teaching awards that can be bestowed upon a University of Colorado
- Carrie Havrilla, a graduate student with the Barger lab, has been awarded an NSF Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship to pursue her research on biological crusts. Congratulations Carrie!! Please see below for a brief synopsis of Carrie'
- We're pleased to announce that several members of the EBIO department have won Campus Sustainability Awards. Professor Becca Safran was awarded a Green Faculty Award for her film course. Carol Kearns and Diane Oliveras were
- Seventy percent of forested lands remaining in the world are within a half mile of the forest edge, where encroaching urban, suburban or agricultural influences can cause any number of harmful effects, according to a new study involving EBIO
- Ecosystems dominated by species of piñon and juniper, a spatially extensive vegetation type in the United States, are among the most predominant vegetation types administered by U.S. land management agencies. That means, among other things, that
- Dr. Kendi Davies has recently been awarded the National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development Award. She is among a remarkably successful group of faculty across disciplines at CU to win one of these highly competitive
- Vertebrates built new head from old parts, study conducted by Daniel Medeiros' lab finds. The findings, which appeared in the February 26th issue of the journal Nature suggest that the appearance of the vertebrate
- Sharif Durzi, a senior EBIO student, represented the Breed lab at the Front Range Student Ecology Symposium held at CSU. He earned first place in the undergraduate presentation competition for his talk on the effect of honeybee