GFH community: connect to the Environmental Center

The Environment Center (or E-Center) is located in the University Memorial Center (UMC) building on campus. We are responsible for zero waste programs, organizations, eventsand general sustainability efforts on campus. Here are some interesting resources available on our website!
Find out more about the E-Center
Check out theEnvironmental Centeron campus.
Graduate andFamily Housing sustainability
Check out theGFH Sustainabilityɱٱ!
E-Center newsletter
Join the newsletterlistserv
E-Center job board
Looking for some extra income and want to get more involved in sustainability efforts on campus? Check out thejobs availableat the E-Center.
Highlighted job opening: Food Justice Coordinator (will assist with running both the Saturday and Tuesday freefood distributions).
E-Center event calendar
Stay up to date onupcoming events.
Highlighted events
Green campus tours are agreat opportunity to learn more about various “green” features of CU’s main Boulder campus. Sign up for a tour
E-Center publications
- Interested in reading theresults of researchdone by the E-Center? Divedeeper into our publications section for pieces on our STARS report, Energy Guidesand the Colorado Food Waste Composting Guide, among many other resources!