Curriculum & Catalog /registrar/ en 2025–26 Catalog: Getting Started /registrar/2024/11/05/2025-26-catalog-getting-started 2025–26 Catalog: Getting Started Naomi Porper Tue, 11/05/2024 - 09:12 Tags: 2025–26 Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Catalog News

Thank you to everyone who submitted workflow edits for the 2025–26 catalog production cycle! If we didn't receive any updates to your workflows, then the same people who reviewed your catalog pages last year will be set up for catalog review access again this year. If your workflows are affected by any additional staffing changes this fall, please let us know by submitting a workflow update.

Getting Started

As previewed, we began kicking off the workflows for academic program pages in the 2025–26 catalog this week.

  • If you're the first reviewer in the workflow, you should receive an automated email for each page as it’s ready for your review with a link to access your approval queue.
  • If you're set up to edit/approve catalog pages but not as the first reviewer, you'll receive an email as soon as those ahead of you in the workflow have completed their review and approved the page(s).
  • If you’re reviewing other catalog pages including those related to university policies, procedures, student services and more, a reminder that these pages open for edits beginning Dec. 15.

For pages where you need to update curriculum information (e.g., program requirements, plans of study, learning outcomes), don't forget to:

  1. Propose your curriculum edits through .
  2. Approve the catalog page and the corresponding CIM program edit form from . We recommend approving both at the same time. Note: Curriculum edits submitted in CIM will only display on the corresponding catalog page after they’ve been fully approved, but please be assured that they’ve been received.

Remember, the target department/unit review deadline for academic program pages is Dec. 15. (View all upcoming catalog dates & deadlines.) Please ensure updated program learning outcomes are included in your submission, and contact Aaron Zimmerman if you have any questions related to program learning outcomes.

Submitting Course & Faculty Updates

A reminder that some of the information displayed in the catalog is pulled in from other campus systems and must be edited in those systems accordingly. Once approved/processed, edits will automatically carry over within the catalog as well.

  • . All course proposals and revisions are managed through our curriculum inventory management system (CIM). To learn more, see Course Proposals.
  • Request faculty updates. Only the catalog production team has access to modify the catalog's faculty database. To learn more, see Faculty Lists.

We’re Here to Help

Sign up for a  to get one-on-one training, troubleshooting help and/or general guidance from a member of the catalog team.

If you know someone who would benefit from these periodic catalog updates, please encourage them to subscribe to our catalog news email list. (Use the following link to unsubscribe.)

As always, if you have questions, feel free to email us at

The 2025–26 catalog is open for edits.


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Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:12:54 +0000 Naomi Porper 3494 at /registrar
2025–26 Catalog: Workflow Updates Due Oct. 28 /registrar/2024/10/17/2025-26-catalog-workflow-updates-due-oct-28 2025–26 Catalog: Workflow Updates Due Oct. 28 Naomi Porper Thu, 10/17/2024 - 09:08 Tags: 2025–26 Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Catalog News

Welcome to the start of the 2025–26 catalog production cycle!

As always, before we open the catalog for annual edits, we need your help updating the workflows for your catalog pages. Please submit a workflow revision request by Monday, Oct. 28, if both of the following are true:

  • You've had staffing or other changes that affect who should review your program or policy content in the catalog, and
  • Your revisions aren't for Education or CEAS. Those workflow revisions are being coordinated by Travis Anderson (Education), Mary Steiner (CEAS undergraduate pages) and Meredith Canode (CEAS graduate pages), respectively.

If needed, email to request a breakdown of current workflow configurations for your page(s).

Working Sessions

We’ll continue to offer  starting in November, which are a great opportunity for both returning & new catalog reviewers to get one-on-one training, troubleshooting help and/or general guidance from a member of the catalog team.

Production Schedule

We'll begin kicking off the workflows for academic program pages in the 2025–26 catalog starting on Monday, Nov. 4, with a target department/unit review deadline of Dec. 15.

View all upcoming catalog dates & deadlines

Stay Connected

If you know someone who could benefit from these periodic catalog updates, please encourage them to subscribe to our catalog news email list. (Use the following link to unsubscribe.)

We look forward to working with you in the time ahead!

Before we open the catalog for annual edits, we need your help updating the workflows for your catalog pages


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Thu, 17 Oct 2024 15:08:47 +0000 Naomi Porper 3493 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: Canceling and Replacing a Section in CLSS  /registrar/2024/08/05/class-curriculum-corner-canceling-and-replacing-section-clss Class & Curriculum Corner: Canceling and Replacing a Section in CLSS  Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/05/2024 - 08:57 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Registrar Network

When canceling and replacing a class that has enrollment in CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS), don’t forget to change the status of the canceled section to  “stop further enrollment.” This notifies the academic scheduling team that enrollment will need to be moved to a new section. Be sure to only use the “stop further enrollment” status on sections that will be replaced with a new section. 


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Mon, 05 Aug 2024 14:57:53 +0000 Anonymous 3462 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: Special Characters in Course and Topic Titles /registrar/2024/07/08/class-curriculum-corner-special-characters-course-and-topic-titles Class & Curriculum Corner: Special Characters in Course and Topic Titles Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 07/08/2024 - 13:47 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Registrar Network

When adding or modifying course or topic titles, avoid using the ampersand (&), greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols or quotation marks (").

These special characters do not translate well to other campus applications such as the Degree Audit system and University Catalog.


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Mon, 08 Jul 2024 19:47:09 +0000 Anonymous 3459 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: In-Progress Program Proposals Moved Forward to 2025–26 /registrar/2024/05/09/class-curriculum-corner-progress-program-proposals-moved-forward-2025-26 Class & Curriculum Corner: In-Progress Program Proposals Moved Forward to 2025–26 Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/09/2024 - 10:52 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Registrar Network

We’ve begun the process of updating academic program proposals that didn’t make it through the program approval process in CIM Programs prior to the 2024–2025 catalog publication in April. The anticipated effective catalog year for proposals in progress has been advanced to 2025–2026.

This update will not require any action from the initiator or additional approvals, and any edits in progress will remain saved in the form.

ýĻƷ the following links for more information on academic program proposals, program proposal timeline and the catalog production schedule.


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Thu, 09 May 2024 16:52:42 +0000 Anonymous 3455 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: Double Listing a Course /registrar/2024/04/15/class-curriculum-corner-double-listing-course Class & Curriculum Corner: Double Listing a Course Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/15/2024 - 11:31 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Registrar Network

When adding or changing double-listed courses, both the undergraduate and graduate level course forms must be edited and submitted in the curriculum inventory management system (). Please submit both forms at the same time as they need to be entered into Campus Solutions simultaneously.


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Mon, 15 Apr 2024 17:31:34 +0000 Anonymous 3450 at /registrar
2024–25 Catalog is Now Live /registrar/2024/04/03/2024-25-catalog-now-live 2024–25 Catalog is Now Live Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 04/03/2024 - 00:00 Tags: 2024–25 Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Catalog News

The  is now live! Many thanks to every one of you who reviewed and updated catalog pages for your programs and/or departments, attended catalog trainings & working sessions, reached out with questions and more during this year's publication cycle.

Previous Catalogs

A reminder that students should refer to the degree, major, minor or certificate requirements listed in the catalog for the academic year they formally entered the program. To view previous years' catalogs as both archived HTML sites as well as full printable PDFs, view the . Check back soon for the full 2024–25 catalog PDF. In the meantime, for a formatted PDF version of any current catalog page, navigate to the desired page and use the “Print/Download Options” tool on the top right.

As always, we appreciate your partnership on this annual publication!

The catalog for the upcoming academic year has been published!


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Wed, 03 Apr 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 3451 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: Rooms Tab in CLSS /registrar/2024/03/13/class-curriculum-corner-rooms-tab-clss Class & Curriculum Corner: Rooms Tab in CLSS Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 03/13/2024 - 10:00 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Registrar Network

When editing a section in CLSS, you can pull up a schedule of classes in your department-scheduled rooms by navigating to the snapper screen and using the “Rooms” button at the bottom left. This will populate a separate screen that brings up a grid with the list of rooms. 

The rooms that will appear are pulled from your room dropdown in CLSS; if a room is not listed in your dropdown, it will not show in the room grid. The grid displays what classes are scheduled in those rooms based on the meeting pattern selected from the “Patterns” dropdown in the snapper screen. 

You can also select a room and meeting pattern using the room grid by hovering over the empty space and clicking. Once the patten and room is selected, click “accept” and then “accept” again on the snapper screen to fully save the room and patten selection.

Learn more about pulling up a schedule of classes in your department-scheduled rooms in CLSS.


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Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:00:15 +0000 Anonymous 3443 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: Checking Course Update Status /registrar/2024/02/19/class-curriculum-corner-checking-course-update-status Class & Curriculum Corner: Checking Course Update Status Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 02/19/2024 - 11:30 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Registrar Network

Use Course Catalog in Campus Solutions as the source of truth (rather than CIM) when checking to see whether an update has been officially completed. Sometimes an update may have already been made, but syncing issues are delaying the CIM form from being fully cleared out of the queue.


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Mon, 19 Feb 2024 18:30:04 +0000 Anonymous 3432 at /registrar
Class & Curriculum Corner: Resources on the CLSS Landing Page /registrar/2024/01/22/class-curriculum-corner-resources-clss-landing-page Class & Curriculum Corner: Resources on the CLSS Landing Page Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 01/22/2024 - 10:27 Tags: Curriculum & Catalog Registrar Network

If you use CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS), don’t forget to review the purple banner at the top of the and the Scheduling Unit page. This banner is updated by the Academic Scheduling team with each term’s timeline, announcements and the CLSS instruction guide. Take a look at the banner periodically to keep up to date on important dates and other helpful resources.


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Mon, 22 Jan 2024 17:27:44 +0000 Anonymous 3430 at /registrar