- In its meeting Nov. 3, the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Æ· faculty assembly approved a common curriculum-related resolution and passed a resolution to endorse teaching and clinical faculty promotion raises.
- Topics at the Nov. 3–4 regents meeting included student retention, more Spanish language resources for students, the use of fetal stem cells in research and several faculty and alumni awards. Read more.
- The Boulder Faculty Assembly voted to support a resolution by the student government asking the Board of Regents to rescind the right to carry a concealed weapon on all CU campuses. Also, President Todd Saliman updated the group on financial issues and statewide outreach efforts. Read more.
- Provost Russell Moore has announced the vice chancellor for research and innovation and dean of the institutes opening, as well as the members of the search committee. Apply or nominate a colleague.
- ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Ʒ’s total fall enrollment increased roughly 0.6%, a figure in line with long-term goals. The data also demonstrated stronger incoming class diversity and gains in student success measures.
- ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Ʒ’s preliminary fall 2022 enrollment numbers show modest growth from fall 2021 but are coming in slightly lower than was projected in June. Read about this, employee retention and more from the Sept. 9 CU Board of Regents meeting.
- The development of policies, processes and needed support structures for the model will continue through spring 2023. Catch up on the campus's budget model implementation.
- Chancellor Philip DiStefano addressed a slew of topics, including concerns about faculty salaries amid near-record inflation, during the first Boulder Faculty Assembly meeting of the academic year on Sept. 1.
- ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú´«Ã½ÎÄ»¯×÷Æ· Chief Operating Officer Patrick O’Rourke on Tuesday announced three finalists for the position of vice chancellor and chief financial officer.
- At its recent meeting, the University of Colorado Board of Regents reviewed revenue and expense projections, and received strategic plan updates on fiscal strength.