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Summer Internship Spotlight: Kristina Krone at East West Partners


What are you specializing in for your MBA at CU?

Real Estate

What are you doing this summer?

I am interning at (EWP), a real estate development company with a focus on urban development in Denver, and resort development at various ski resorts, Kauai, and South Carolina. My internship is designed for me to visit most of EWP’s current and potential future projects, and report weekly with a written critical analysis (concerns/suggestions/etc.). Further, each project lead is responsible for giving me a mini-project to complete during my visit. My summer schedule takes me from Avon, to Snowmass, to Deer Valley, to Denver, to Charleston, and back to Avon. So far, my mini-projects have included:

  • Creating a spreadsheet to calculate individual owner costs for a hotel refresh on all furniture and fixtures
  • Writing the buyer Q&A packet for an upcoming project (building specifications, amenities, dues, etc.)
  • Strategizing how to better integrate technology into brokerage day-to-day processes
  • More to come in Denver and Charleston!Ìý

The new Limelight hotel in Snowmass going up in the back,
and ice skating rink and fountain in the foreground.

What are you getting out of your internship this summer?

This is just about the coolest internship ever created: I get to tour existing projects, debate future projects, shadow several different positions, and connect with almost everyone at the company. I have been pulled into partner meetings, construction updates, marketing and sales strategy meetings, interior design brainstorming sessions, etc.

Any exciting/fun/interesting perks, activities or stories from the internship so far?

My internal updates began as a partner-only email, but along the way, folks have said “I was forwarded your review. Can you add me to the list for next time? I’m loving reading about the other projects." Also, visiting/recreating in some amazing places is a pretty great perk! The photo below is taken from biking after work from Deer Valley to just above Park City proper.

Are you applying anything that you learned during your 1st year to your work this summer? If yes, how so or in what capacity?

One of the lobbies in the Deer Valley luxury condo project

Yes! In particular, my real estate principles class and some of my marketing and strategy classes.Ìý I am incredibly thankful for semester-long term lists (BPS, PUD, CAM, FIT, RevPar…what?) and for all the connections made so far through the real estate center.